; vpanel-stack ; https://git.stack-source.com/msb/vpanel-stack ; Copyright (c) 2022 Matthew Saunders Brown ; GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) [globals] DEBUG=0 UI=ui/ AUTOLOAD=classes/ TEMP=tmp/ LOGS=tmp/logs/ UPLOADS=tmp/uploads/ PACKAGE=Stack-Panel AUTHOR=Matthew Saunders Brown LICENSE=GPL-3.0 LICENSEURL=https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt CASELESS=FALSE CACHE=TRUE ; Session lifetime in seconds TIMEOUT=900 ; Remote IP address that is automatically logged in without auth ADMINIP= ; Jail new users by default. 1 = Yes, blank or 0 = No JAILUSER=1 ; PHP-FPM pm.max_children. Recommended range 2-12 on Shared Server FPMMAX=4 ; Write user info to /home/username/.passwd. 1 = Yes, blank or 0 = No WRITEUSERINFO=1 ; Show "Write User Info" & "Write DB Info" options. If no then just use defaults above without giving users the option to change. 1 = Yes, blank or 0 = No SHOWWRITEINFO=0 ; DNS admin. 1 = Yes, blank or 0 = No VDNSADMIN=0 ; Maximum number of results returned for DNS listings. Defaults to 100 if unspecified. ;VDNSMAX=100 ; By default VDNS validates nameservers against what vdns returns for default nameservers ; You can list additional nameservers that will validate here, in case you have aliased names for example ; VDNSADDITIONALVALIDNAMERVERS=ns1.example.net,ns1.example.com ; URL to phpMyPDNS. If this is set, and VDNSADMIN is enabled, show link to phpMyPDNS PHPMYPDNSURL=