Website Status PHP Version Action
{{ @vhost_array.domain }} {{ @vhost_array.status }} {{ @vhost_array.php }} Edit Disable Enable Delete

System User PHP Workers Action
{{ @vhost_array.username }} {{ @users_array.fpmmax }} Change Password Edit User

Certificate Expiration Secured Hostnames Action
{{ @cert_array.common }} {{ @cert_array.end }} {{ @cert_array.alternative | raw }} Delete

You need a Security Certificate. Click Here to add one now. You need a Security Certificate for {{ @vhost_array.domain }}.
Before you can add one you must make the DNS change listed below. Once that's completed come back here and this message will change to an option to create a Security Certificate.
Note that after you add DNS records it can take some time for the changes to propagate and show up here.

{{ @dnsinfo.a.status }} A Record for {{ @vhost_array.domain }}
Host:{{ @vhost_array.domain }}
Value:{{ @dnsinfo.server_addr }}
TTL:3600 (or default)
This should be the only A record for {{ @vhost_array.domain }}.

Verify CNAME Record for www.{{ @vhost_array.domain }}
Host:www.{{ @vhost_array.domain }}
Value:{{ @vhost_array.domain }}
TTL:3600 (or default)
This should be the only record for www.{{ @vhost_array.domain }}.
Note this admin did not check for this record, it may already exist.

Remote Access
Protocol:SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol)
Hostname: {{ @vhost_array.domain }} {{ @vhost_array.domain }} {{ @dnsinfo.server_addr }}
Username:{{ @vhost_array.username }}
Password: ← hover mouse here to reveal
Directory:/srv/www/{{ @vhost_array.domain }}/html/
Notes:The above information can also be used for SSH access.

MySQL Database Info
Hostname:{{ @mysqlinfo_array.hostname }}
Database:{{ @mysqlinfo_array.database }}
Username:{{ @mysqlinfo_array.username }}
Password: ← hover mouse here to reveal
phpMyAdmin: https://{{ @vhost_array.domain }}/phpMyAdmin https://{{ @HOST }}/phpMyAdmin
Notes:phpMyAdmin requires a two-stage login process.
First use the "Remote Access" info for the popup authentication.
Then use the MySQL info for the database login page.