Matthew Saunders Brown 36930ed080 first commit
2021-04-20 14:26:46 -07:00

127 lines
6.8 KiB

* SAUserPrefs configuration file
// spamassassin database settings
$config['sauserprefs_db_dsnw'] = 'mysql://vmail:password@localhost/vmail';
// PEAR database DSN for read only operations (if empty write database will be used)
// useful for database replication
$config['sauserprefs_db_dsnr'] = '';
// use persistent db-connections
// beware this will not "always" work as expected
// see:
$config['sauserprefs_db_persistent'] = false;
// table that holds user prefs
$config['sauserprefs_sql_table_name'] = 'sa_userpref';
// name of the username field in the user prefs table
$config['sauserprefs_sql_username_field'] = 'username';
// name of the preference field in the user prefs table, holds the name of the preference
$config['sauserprefs_sql_preference_field'] = 'preference';
// name of the value field in the user prefs table, holds the value of the preference
$config['sauserprefs_sql_value_field'] = 'value';
// username of the current user in the database, normaly %u (username from the session info)
// %u is replaced with the username (from the session info)
// %l is replaced with the local part of the username (if the username is an email address)
// %d is replaced with the domain part of the username (if the username is an email address or default mail domain if not)
// %i is replaced with the email address from the user's default identity
$config['sauserprefs_userid'] = '%i';
// username of the global or default settings user in the database, normaly $GLOBAL or @GLOBAL
$config['sauserprefs_global_userid'] = '\$GLOBAL';
// enable address whitelist synchronisation with address book(s)
// possible values:
// false - synchronisation disabled
// true - synchronise with default address book
// array - an array of address book ids to synchronise with e.g. array('0', 'global'); '0' = the default address book
$config['sauserprefs_abook_sync'] = false;
// set to false to disable address book import
// possible values:
// false - address import disabled
// true - import addresses from default address book
// array - an array of address book ids to import e.g. array('0', 'global'); '0' = the default address book
$config['sauserprefs_abook_import'] = false;
// don't allow these settings to be overriden by the user
// eg. $config['sauserprefs_dont_override'] = array('required_score','rewrite_header Subject');
// to disable entire sections enter the secion name surrounded by braces. Sections are: general,tests,bayes,headers,report,addresses
// eg. $config['sauserprefs_dont_override'] = array('{tests}');
$config['sauserprefs_dont_override'] = array('{general}', '{}', '{tests}', '{bayes}', '{headers}', '{report}', 'use_auto_whitelist', 'score USER_IN_WHITELIST', 'score USER_IN_BLACKLIST');
// activate SAUserPrefs for selected mail hosts only. If this is not set all mail hosts are allowed.
// example: $config['sauserprefs_allowed_hosts'] = array('mail1.domain.tld', 'mail2.domain.tld');
$config['sauserprefs_allowed_hosts'] = null;
// load specific config for different mail hosts
// example: $config['sauserprefs_host_config'] = array(
// 'mail1.domain.tld' => '',
// 'mail2.domain.tld' => '',
// );
$config['sauserprefs_host_config'] = null;
// default settings
// these are overridden by $GLOBAL and user settings from the database
$config['sauserprefs_default_prefs'] = array(
// 'required_score' => 5,
// 'rewrite_header Subject' => '',
// 'ok_languages' => 'all',
// 'ok_locales' => 'all',
// 'fold_headers' => 1,
// 'add_header all Level' => '_STARS(*)_',
// 'use_razor1' => 0,
// 'use_razor2' => 1,
// 'use_pyzor' => 1,
// 'use_dcc' => 1,
// 'use_bayes' => 1,
// 'skip_rbl_checks' => 0,
// 'report_safe' => 1,
// 'bayes_auto_learn' => 1,
// 'bayes_auto_learn_threshold_nonspam' => 0.1,
// 'bayes_auto_learn_threshold_spam' => 12.0,
// 'use_bayes_rules' => 1,
// 'use_auto_whitelist' => 0,
// 'score USER_IN_BLACKLIST' => 10,
// 'score USER_IN_WHITELIST' => -10
// score options
// define the ranges for the various score select boxes
// '[field name]' => array('min' => [min], 'max' => [max], 'increment' => [increment], 'extra' => array())
// note: the 'extra' key is optional and should contain further arrays with min, max and increment keys
$config['sauserprefs_score_options'] = array(
// '*' => array('min' => 1, 'max' => 10, 'increment' => 1),
// '_bayesnonspam' => array('min' => -1, 'max' => 1, 'increment' => 0.1),
// '_bayesspam' => array('min' => 1, 'max' => 20, 'increment' => 1),
'_score_user_blacklist' => array('min' => 0, 'max' => 100, 'increment' => 10, 'extra' => array(array('min' => 1, 'max' => 10, 'increment' => 1))),
'_score_user_whitelist' => array('min' => -100, 'max' => -1, 'increment' => 10, 'extra' => array(array('min' => -10, 'max' => -1, 'increment' => 1)))
// delete user bayesian data stored in database
// the query can contain the following macros that will be expanded as follows:
// %u is replaced with the username from the sauserprefs_userid setting above
// use an array to run multiple queries
// set to null to disable this option
// eg. $config['sauserprefs_bayes_delete_query'] = array(
// 'DELETE FROM bayes_seen WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM bayes_vars WHERE username = %u);',
// 'DELETE FROM bayes_token WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM bayes_vars WHERE username = %u);',
// 'DELETE FROM bayes_vars WHERE username = %u;'
// );
$config['sauserprefs_bayes_delete_query'] = null;
// allowed languages
// set to array of language codes to limit the language list available for the ok_languages option
// eg array('en', 'es', 'ru', 'zh');
// see the README for a full list of supported languages
// set to null for all possible languages
$config['sauserprefs_langs_allowed'] = null;