#!/bin/bash # # vmail-stack # https://git.stack-source.com/msb/vmail-stack # MIT License Copyright (c) 2021 Matthew Saunders Brown # load include file source $(dirname $0)/vmail.sh help() { thisfilename=$(basename -- "$0") echo "$thisfilename" echo "Add autoresponder" echo "" echo "usage: $thisfilename -e -u -b [-o ] [-s <0|1>] [-h]" echo "" echo " -h Print this help." echo " -e Email address of the autoresponder." echo " -u Subject of autresponder emails." echo " -b Body of autresponder emails." echo " -o Mode - either Autoresponder or Vacation. Default is Vacation." echo " -s <0|1> Status. 0 = disabled/off, 1 = enabled/on. Default is 1." echo "" echo " The body must be single quoted and escaped. All single quotes in the body must" echo " have double back slash like this \\\' and all newlines should be encoded as \n." echo " In Vacaion mode only the first email from a specific address is replied to," echo " in Autoresponder mode every incoming email, including repeats, get a response." exit } vmail:getoptions "$@" # check for email if [[ -z $email ]]; then echo "email is required" exit 1 fi # check for subject if [[ -z $subject ]]; then echo "subject is required" exit 1 fi # check for body if [[ -z $body ]]; then echo "body is required" exit 1 fi # build query dbcmd="mysql --defaults-extra-file=$MYSQL_CONNECTION_INFO_FILE" dbcmdopts="-s -r -N -e" # get mbox id, which also verfies that email address exists dbquery="SELECT vm_mboxes.id FROM vm_mboxes, vm_domains WHERE vm_mboxes.mbox='$mbox' AND vm_mboxes.domain_id=vm_domains.id AND vm_domains.domain='$domain';" mbox_id=`eval $dbcmd $dbcmdopts \"$dbquery\"` if [ -z $mbox_id ]; then # mailbox does not exist echo "ERROR: Email account $email does not exist." exit 1 elif [ "$mbox_id" -gt '0' ]; then # verified mbox, check for existing forward dbquery="SELECT id FROM vm_autoresponders WHERE mbox_id='$mbox_id';" vm_autoresponders_id=`eval $dbcmd $dbcmdopts \"$dbquery\"` if [ -z $vm_autoresponders_id ]; then # no autoresponder, add new one now dbquery="INSERT INTO vm_autoresponders SET mbox_id='$mbox_id', subject='$subject', body='$body'" if [ ! -z $mode ]; then dbquery="$dbquery, mode='$mode'" fi if [ ! -z $status ]; then dbquery="$dbquery, status='$status'" fi eval $dbcmd $dbcmdopts \"$dbquery\;\" else echo "ERROR: Autoresponder for $email already exists, edit or delete and re-create instead." exit 1 fi else # db query error echo "ERROR: System error querying database." exit 1 fi