5 seconds to cancel

This commit is contained in:
Matthew Saunders Brown 2021-04-02 10:10:13 -07:00
parent 3a9c8b7588
commit 32869665e1

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@ -20,18 +20,12 @@ if [ -f "/etc/vmail.conf" ] || [ -d "/var/vmail/" ]; then
# check for existing server software installs
if [ -d "/etc/apache2/" ] || [ -d "/etc/php/" ] || [ -d "/etc/exim4/" ] || [ -d "/etc/spamassassin/" ] || [ -d "/etc/dovecot/" ]; then
echo "One or more of the required server software packages are already"
echo "installed. This script expects to be run on a new server install"
echo "that does not have any mail server software installed yet. If you"
echo "wish to proceed with the install anyway it is recommend to work"
echo "through this install script manually running commands one line at"
echo "a time as needed so as to not overwrite any existing configurations."
echo ""
echo "If you want to force the installer to run anyway simply comment out"
echo "the exit command that appears immediately below this line and re-run."
# check for existing mail server software installs
if [ -d "/etc/exim4/" ] || [ -d "/etc/dovecot/" ]; then
echo "WARNING: Exim and/or Dovecot are already installed."
echo "This installer will overwrite existing configurations."
echo -e "You have five seconds to execute ctrl-c to cancel this install.\a"
sleep 5
# install pwgen, used to create randmo passwords