#!/bin/bash # # vhost-stack # https://git.stack-source.com/msb/vhost-stack # Copyright (c) 2022 Matthew Saunders Brown <matthewsaundersbrown@gmail.com> # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # load include file source $(dirname $0)/vhost.sh help() { thisfilename=$(basename -- "$0") echo "Creates MySQL database and db user for specified virtualhost." echo "" echo "usage: $thisfilename -d <domain> [OPTIONS]" echo "" echo " -h Print this help." echo " -d <domain> Domain name of VirtualHost to add db for." echo " -u <username> Username for accessing the database. Optional, autogenerated if none specified." echo " -p <password> Password for username. Optional, random password generated if none specified." echo " -w Write db info to /srv/www/domain/.my.cnf and create include in /home/username/.my.cnf." echo " -v Verbose - output newly created db info to console." echo "" echo " MySQL database names is based on virtualhost with . replaced by the word 'dot'" echo " and - replaced by the word 'dash'. If username is autogenerated it is based on" echo " the shell username & the virtualhost name." echo " e.g. for virtualost example.com the db name will be 'exampledotcom' and the" echo " username will be examplec@example.com." echo " It is highly recommended to use either the -w or -v option if you don't use -p." } vhost:getoptions "$@" # check for domain (virtualhost) if [[ -z $domain ]]; then echo "domain is required" exit fi # make sure virtualhost exists if [[ ! -d /srv/www/$domain ]]; then echo "virtualhost $domain does not exist" exit 1 fi # set database name database=${domain//./dot} database=${database//-/dash} # make sure database doesn't already exist if [[ -d /var/lib/mysql/$database ]]; then echo "database $database already exists" exit 1 fi # get & set username of virtualhost vhost_username=$(stat -c '%U' /srv/www/$domain) # check for and set mysql username if [[ -z $username ]]; then username=$vhost_username@$domain fi # check for and set mysql password if [[ -z $password ]]; then password=`/usr/bin/pwgen 16 1` fi mysqladmin create $database mysql -e "CREATE USER '$username'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$password';" mysql -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON $database.* TO '$username'@'localhost';" mysqladmin flush-privileges # save mysql db info to file if [[ -n $write ]]; then touch /srv/www/$domain/.my.cnf chown $vhost_username:$vhost_username /srv/www/$domain/.my.cnf chmod 640 /srv/www/$domain/.my.cnf echo '[client]' > /srv/www/$domain/.my.cnf echo "host=" >> /srv/www/$domain/.my.cnf echo "user=$username" >> /srv/www/$domain/.my.cnf echo "password=$password" >> /srv/www/$domain/.my.cnf echo '[mysql]' >> /srv/www/$domain/.my.cnf echo "database=$database" >> /srv/www/$domain/.my.cnf touch /home/$vhost_username/.my.cnf chown $vhost_username:$vhost_username /home/$vhost_username/.my.cnf chmod 640 /home/$vhost_username/.my.cnf if [[ ! -f /home/$vhost_username/.my.cnf ]]; then echo "#[client]" > /home/$vhost_username/.my.cnf echo '!include' "/srv/www/$domain/.my.cnf" >> /home/$vhost_username/.my.cnf fi fi if [[ -n $verbose ]]; then echo "database=$database user=$username password=$password" fi