#!/bin/bash # # pdns-tools # https://git.stack-source.com/msb/pdns-tools # MIT License Copyright (c) 2022 Matthew Saunders Brown # load include file source $(dirname $0)/pdns.sh help() { thisfilename=$(basename -- "$0") echo "$thisfilename" echo "Replace Resource Record set in zone." echo "" echo "usage: $thisfilename -z -n -t -r [-l ] [-s ] [-c ] [-a ] [-h]" echo "" echo " -h Print this help." echo " -z Zone (domain name) to modify records." echo " -n Hostname for this record." echo " -t Type of record to modify (A, CNAME, TXT, etc.)." echo " -r Resource record content (data / values)." echo " -l TTL, optional, defaults to $zone_defaults_ttl." echo " -s <0|1> Status, optional. O (default) for active or 1 for disabled." echo " -c An optional comment/note about the record." echo " -a The account that the comment gets attributed too." echo " Only used if comment is set. Optional, defaults to hostname of server running this script." echo echo " If record(s) do not exist they are created, if they already exist they are replaced." echo " Record Sets are matched against zone, name & type. This tool updates/replaces all records" echo " that match the specified name & type. is the data for the record and can be multiple" echo " records with each record separated by a pipe (|). In the case where you have multiple records" echo " that match the specified name & type you must specify *all* of the records. If for example" echo " you want to add a third NS record to a domain that already has a two NS records you must" echo " specify all 3 NS records in the , otherwise the 2 existing records will be deleted" echo " and the single new record will be added from the ". echo " When adding MX or SRV records specify the Priority as part of the record. e.g. -c \"10 mail.example.com\"" echo " Only MX & SRV records use Priority, leave Priority off all other records." echo " Can be a FQDN, or just the subdomain part (zone will be appended) or @ which will be replaced by the zone." } pdns:getoptions "$@" # check for zone, make sure it ends with a . if [[ -z $zone ]]; then echo "zone is required" exit elif [[ $zone != *\. ]]; then zone="$zone." fi # check for name, make sure it ends with a . if [[ -z $name ]]; then echo "name is required" exit elif [[ $name = "@" ]]; then name=$zone elif [[ $name != *\. ]]; then name="$name." fi # make sure name is equal to or part of zone if [[ $name != $zone ]] && [[ $name != *\.$zone ]]; then name="$name$zone" fi # check for type if [[ -z $type ]]; then echo "type is required" exit fi # check for record data if [[ -z $record ]]; then echo "record is required" exit fi # check for ttl if [[ -z $ttl ]]; then ttl=$zone_defaults_ttl fi # first query to see if zone already exists zone_status=$(/usr/bin/curl --silent --output /tmp/$zone --write-out "%{http_code}" -H "X-API-Key: $api_key" "$api_base_url/zones/$zone") if [[ $zone_status = 200 ]]; then # verified zone exists, add record(s) data="{\"rrsets\":[{\"name\":\"$name\",\"type\":\"$type\",\"ttl\":$ttl,\"changetype\":\"REPLACE\",\"records\":[" # turn record in to array of records orig_ifs="$IFS" IFS='|' read -r -a resourcerecords <<< "$record" IFS="$orig_ifs" # get number of records in set resourcerecords_records_count=${#resourcerecords[@]} records_count=0 for resourcerecord in "${resourcerecords[@]}"; do records_count=$((records_count+1)) # make sure hostnames end in a . declare -a types_that_require_dot=("CNAME MX NS PTR SRV") if [[ " ${types_that_require_dot[*]} " =~ " ${type} " ]]; then if [[ $resourcerecord != *\. ]]; then resourcerecord="$resourcerecord." fi fi # quote TXT records if [[ $type = "TXT" ]]; then resourcerecord="\\\"$resourcerecord\\\"" fi # set disabled status if [[ $status = 1 ]]; then disabled=true else disabled=false fi data="$data{\"content\":\"$resourcerecord\",\"disabled\":$disabled}" if [[ $records_count < $resourcerecords_records_count ]]; then data="$data," else data="$data]" fi done # add comment, if set if [[ -n $comment ]]; then # set account to hostname if not specified with -a option if [[ -z $account ]]; then account=$(/usr/bin/hostname -f) fi data= "$data,\"comments\":[{\"content\":\"$comment\",\"account\":\"$account\"}]" fi # close out json string data="$data}]}" # add record(s) zone_status=$(/usr/bin/curl --silent --request PATCH --output "/tmp/$zone" --write-out "%{http_code}" --header "X-API-Key: $api_key" --data "$data" "$api_base_url/zones/$zone") if [[ $zone_status = 204 ]]; then echo "Success. Record(s) for $zone created/updated." else echo "Error. http response updating record(s) for $zone was: $zone_status" fi elif [[ $zone_status = 404 ]]; then echo "Zone $zone does not exist, can't update records." else echo "Unexpected http response checking for Zone $zone: $zone_status" fi rm /tmp/$zone