#!/bin/bash # # pdns-tools # https://git.stack-source.com/msb/pdns-tools # Copyright (c) 2022 Matthew Saunders Brown <matthewsaundersbrown@gmail.com> # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # load include file source $(dirname $0)/pdns.sh help() { echo "Add new zone to DNS" echo "" echo "usage: $thisfilename -z <zone> [-m <master>] [-t <type>] [-a <account>] [-w <comment>] [-b] [-h]" echo "" echo " -h Print this help." echo " -z <zone> Zone (domain name) to add." echo " -m <master> IP address of master, if this zone is of type SLAVE." echo " -t <type> Defaults to NATIVE. Can also be MASTER or SLAVE. If type is SLAVE be sure to set master IP." echo " -a <account> Account that controls this zones. For tying in to Control Panel or other custom admins." echo " -w <comment> Write an optional comment/note. Will be associated with the SOA Resource Record." echo " -b Bare - create zone without any Resource Records. Normally a default set of RR are created." } pdns:getoptions "$@" # check for zone if [[ -z $zone ]]; then echo "zone is required" exit 1 fi # first query to see if zone already exists zone_status=$(/usr/bin/curl --silent --output /dev/null --write-out "%{http_code}" -H "X-API-Key: $api_key" "$api_base_url/zones/$zone?rrsets=false") if [[ $zone_status = 200 ]]; then echo Zone $zone already exists. exit 1 elif [[ $zone_status = 404 ]]; then # zone does not exist, create new zone now # generate serial serial=$(date +%Y%m%d00) # set type (kind). NATIVE (default), MASTER or SLAVE if [[ -n $type ]]; then kind=$type else kind="NATIVE" fi # zone data='{' if [[ -n $account ]]; then data="$data\"account\":\"$account\"," fi data="$data\"name\":\"$zone.\"," data="$data\"kind\":\"$kind\"," if [[ -n $master ]]; then data="$data\"masters\":[\"$master\"]," fi data="$data\"serial\":\"$serial\"," data="$data\"nameservers\":[]," data="$data\"rrsets\":[" # create SOA data="$data{" data="$data\"name\":\"${zone}.\"," data="$data\"type\":\"SOA\"," data="$data\"ttl\":${zone_defaults_ttl}," data="$data\"records\":[" data="$data{" data="$data\"content\":\"$zone_default_ns. $zone_defaults_mbox. $serial $zone_defaults_refresh $zone_defaults_retry $zone_defaults_expire $zone_defaults_minimum\"", data="$data\"disabled\":false" data="$data}" data="$data]" # if set add comment, gets associated with SOA if [[ -n $comment ]]; then # set account to hostname if not specified with -a option if [[ -z $account ]]; then account=$(/usr/bin/hostname -f) fi data="$data,\"comments\":[{\"content\":\"$comment\",\"account\":\"$account\"}]" fi if [[ -n $bare ]]; then # do not add default records data="$data}" else # add default records data="$data}," # get number of default records to add default_records_count=${#default_records[@]} records_count=0 # add default records for record in "${default_records[@]}"; do records_count=$((records_count+1)) # replace @ with zone record=$(echo ${record} | sed -e "s/@/$zone/g") # turn record row info in to array orig_ifs="$IFS" IFS='|' read -r -a recordArray <<< "$record" IFS="$orig_ifs" # extract record info from array rr_name=${recordArray[0]} rr_type=${recordArray[1]} rr_content=${recordArray[2]} # munge data as needed if pdns::validate_domain $rr_content; then rr_content="$rr_content." fi if [[ $rr_type = TXT ]]; then rr_content="\\\"$rr_content\\\"" fi if [[ $rr_type = MX ]]; then rr_content="$rr_content." fi # add record data="$data{" data="$data\"name\":\"${rr_name}.\"," data="$data\"type\":\"${rr_type}\"," data="$data\"ttl\":${zone_defaults_ttl}," data="$data\"records\":[" data="$data{" data="$data\"content\":\"${rr_content}\"", data="$data\"disabled\":false" data="$data}" data="$data]" if [[ $records_count = $default_records_count ]]; then data="$data}" else data="$data}," fi done fi # close out data data="$data]}" # add zone zone_status=$(/usr/bin/curl --silent --request POST --output /dev/null --write-out "%{http_code}" --header "X-API-Key: $api_key" --data "$data" "$api_base_url/zones") if [[ $zone_status = 201 ]]; then echo Success. Zone $zone created. exit 0 else echo Error. http response adding zone $zone was: $zone_status exit 1 fi else echo Unexpected http response checking for Zone $zone: $zone_status exit 1 fi