add Debian 12 compat, enhance letsencrypt detection

This commit is contained in:
Matthew Saunders Brown 2024-06-14 12:43:36 -07:00
parent 9a7f451da9
commit ca64b8ab16

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@ -11,12 +11,18 @@ if [ "${EUID}" -ne 0 ]; then
# check for existing Let's Encrypt install
if [ -d "/etc/letsencrypt/" ]; then
echo "WARNING: Let's Encrypt is already installed."
echo "This installer will overwrite existing configurations."
echo -e "You have five seconds to execute ctrl-c to cancel this install.\a"
sleep 5
# check for Ubuntu 22.04 (jammy) or Debian 12 (bookworm)
os_codename=`lsb_release -cs`
if [ $os_codename != jammy ] && [ $os_codename != bookworm ]; then
echo "This installer only runs on Ubuntu 22.04 (jammy) or Debian 12 (Bookworm), bailing out."
exit 1
# check for existing web server software installs
if [ -d "/etc/letsencrypt/" ] || [ -d "/opt/certbot/" ] || [ -f "/usr/bin/certbot" ]; then
echo "NOTICE: Let's Encrypt is already installed."
echo "You must purge any existing certbot installs before running this."
exit 1
# Old apt installation instructions